by Alex, Barry, June, Noreen, Daksha
Title: Map to participation
What it's for: to get hard to reach groups to participate more actively in the work we do
What it is: this is a planning tool for an engagement process, showing methods and building blocks on different levels of participation and the barriers to cirumvent
How it works: we want to move a specific hard to reach group (orange post-it) towards active participation (center of the map). On each level, you pick out building blocks (green) and methods (yellow) to help doing that. On each level you also identify barriers (pink) and look at ways to circumvent them before you get to them.
More about this tool:
For each specific group there are a number of steps or building blocks (green post-its). For example, on the first level something has to be going on to make sure we know what they want.
But there are also barriers (pink post-its) that could hit and cause people to fall back. A group might have a transition problem so they don't understand what we're telling them.
On a higher level, we can use building blocks such as incentivising or linking them with other groups. A barrier on that level might be that we have to high expectations of them they might want to stop there.
Some of the methods (yellow post-its) are good examples of our own work, e.g. making sure not to use branding of the council if that puts people off with a trust issue.
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