by Niam and Maggie
Key issues:
1. Demonstrate value of blogs / online communication to older people
2. Using blogs / online columns as a forum of research and engagement with older people
3. What forum or blog?
- blog as feedback
- blog as experiential storytelling style
accessibility of site
- social media pilotworker (LBC)
- Engagement and research team
- Digital Online, LBC lead
What is the problem?
To communicate the value of online engagement to older people
What are the desired outcomes?
Increase in older people using online engagement processes to influence services - more older people giving their views. More staff using this process to engage older people.
What are the requirements (process, time, people, skills)?
- Access to older people
- Clear publicity and ,messengers
- Easy to use website design / DDA accessible too
- Themes . topics of interest to older people
- Partnership working
- Trainers or blue type of skilled support
What is the problem?
Using online engagement process
Money (older people purchasing computers / polder people accessing computers if they do not have to).
What are the desired outcomes?
- Older people increasingly using online engagement process
- Move older people influencing services
What are the requirements (process, time, people, skills)?
- Attractive ad an easy process to use (good design)
- Publicity
- Training and support in using on line processes
- Working in pwartnership
What is the problem?
To demonstrate the value of online communication as a form of engagement to older people, including blogs / feedback forms
What are the desired outcomes?
Older people understanding that in time engagement is a key way of influencing services
What are the requirements (process, time, people, skills)?
- Good publicity
- Access to computers and support for those who need it to use them
- Accessibility of software and enable people with sensory needs and disabled older people to use computers.
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