In the 3rd and last workshop we have taken the tools and methods produced in the 2nd workshop one step further, to make them more useful and usable for day to day practice. Find the results of the workshop below - for each group we have posted the new tool format, a general explanation, and specific examples of use.
We are a group of people with different jobs in local or national government and the community and voluntary sector. Although we have different areas of expertise, we all engage older people.
We want to develop better and more effective ways of delivering engagement but we all get very bored at conferences!
Camden and Tower Hamlets councils (who are both Beacon Authorities for engagement of older people in 2010) set up this Learning Network so we can get together, discuss ideas and learn from each other other face-to-face. The series of workswhops have been developped and facilitated by Engine service design.
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